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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Still miss you a lot....

Going thru the different stages of grief is really no joke ... but we are certainly doing better now..
1st ... is all the shock, denial, disbelief, and numbness. During this time, the bereaved person may feel emotionally "shut off" from the world. Still, the numbness may be disturbed by waves of distress, which are often triggered by reminders of the deceased. At these times of distress, the person may feel agitated or weak, cry, engage in aimless activities, or be preoccupied with thoughts or images of the person they lost. They are seldom left alone. Sometimes the sense of numbness lasts through these activities, leaving the person feeling as though they are just "going through the motions" of these rituals.
2nd ... is when the reality of the loss started to sink in, and the numbness wears off. This phase of grief, sometimes called confrontation, is when the feelings of loss are most intense and painful. It is during this phase that the person must face the loss and start to cope with the changes this loss causes in their lives.
3rd ... Acceptance of grief. It includes adjusting to daily life without the deceased. Like the first and second phases, acceptance does not happen overnight. It is common for it to take as long as a year or more for someone to resolve the emotional and life changes that come with the death of a loved one. Although the pain may become less intense, people may continue to feel emotionally involved with the deceased for many years after their death. In time, the person should be able to reclaim the emotional energy that was invested in the relationship with the deceased, and use it in other relationships.
Last but not least, Happy New Year & take good care of yourself wherever you are brother..
14.1.2010 9.47pm