Hi San,
Just found out Ah Lam how to post msg on ur blog ....
Remember the last time we saw u was 18th Nov 07, just came back from HK w/Ah Lam that week & he bought u a very cute "Pork Chop" (printed in Chinese character) T-shirt. Saw u sitting demurely next to the coffee table eating ur Mamee (quite unlike ur usual self, got kinda funny feeling at that moment..), u offered to Nathan & wanted to hold him but he struggled & ran off. Then u offered Natalie & she allowed u to cuddle her in ur strong, masculine arms... i like to see how she poked ur chest w/her little fingers.
I'm very glad to be able to attend ur Convocation on 26th Jul 2007, it was a wet Thu but that did not dampen our spirit of being so proud of our little brother who has overcome all odds & finally graduated from the U!
Shortly came the news that you've landed a job in DSTA... we were all overwhelmed w/joy! You had specially bought a no-camera white Sony-Ericsson for ur new job & were smiling triumphantly about the good buy!
Ur sudden departure still left everyone traumatized, deeply shocked & still in state of denial. We've been asking ourselves.... "why u?", "how could this happen to our family?", "what has gone wrong?"... there're endless of question marks?????? We wonder how u have suffered the last moment of ur life. Whatever it is, we still can't get over it, even though we said we can ... & it's w/much regret that we only know & understand so much about u (thru ur friends) after your leaving ...
BTW, we gonna get a 'messenger' (after ur 100th day ritual) so we're able to 'communicate' with u .... have been wondering how u r doing in 'the other world'... but the poignancy of this whole thing is seeing mother fold incense papers for u (sigh) ... a very heart-rending scene....
We miss u a lot & pl take care of urself .... will keep u 'alive' in our heart & memory!
With love fm ur sis, "yoko" (medicated cream in hokkien as what u affectionately call me..), yong, natalie & nathan...